
And I'm back!

Hello and happy holidays, readers and indie gamers! Good news is that my semester is over, Winter break has begun, and I'm back to delivering you news and impressions of the best, most innovative, and just plain fun indie games. Today's going to be light, just the long overdue impressions of Kerbal Space Program and A-Men 2, but over the rest of the week, month, and January, I'll be making up for my hiatus with tons of coverage for great indies I've played, discovered, heard about online.

I'll be doing a 2013 in Review feature, where I'll write about my top 20 indie games of the year. To say it was tough to pick just 20 and then rank them is an understatement, especially when so many quality experiences were released this year. Besides those features, I'll have the usual impressions and previews of IOS, PC, and maybe even a console indie or two.

So as I said previously, thank you for your continued support, not just for my blog, but for indies in general. And don't forget that this is probably the best time of year to build up that indie library; Steam's Holiday sale just got underway, Desura and ShinyLoot have promising indie sales, and IndieGameStand is conducting a 12 Days of Christmas Charity.

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